Grades 1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th are learning about their Faith through a series called "Discover" Finding Faith in Life. This exciting program is designed to fully engage students in the process of discovering their Faith. The lessons are designed to foster a clearer understanding of the Catholic Faith through an interactive learning approach. Interactive learning brings these lessons to life. The core text of this program is the children's Bible created especially for children using this curriculum. Each chapter contains Scripture passages modified for each particular grade level. The scripture passages which coincide with the lessons and activities are a great way for the children to develop a better understanding of the Catholic Bible and how it relates directly to their Faith. This program encourages children to make Faith a part of their daily lives and improves their awareness of Christs presence in their lives. Each week the activity page is sent home to be shared with parents. Each activity page contains family activities which extend learning beyond the classroom and again recognizes parents as the child's first teacher.
2nd Grade Sacrament Preparation For our 2nd Grade Sacrament preparation we use a series called "Go Seek and Find", Discovering God's Treasures. This unique program encourages and inspires children as they journey toward an encounter with Christ through the Sacraments. This series also uses the Bible as its core text. The engaging Scripture passages assist the student to develop a better understanding of the Sacraments and the importance of these Sacraments. The children's Bible allows children to explore Sacraments through a Biblical lens. This knowledge is reinforced through interactive activities and family learning opportunities. Each week the activity page is sent home to be shared with parents. Each activity page contains family activities which extend learning beyond the classroom and again recognizes parents as the child's first teacher.
Grades 6th - 8th Our Middle School Students use a curriculum titled Connect - Bringing Faith to Life. This program encourages the students to explore their Faith and make important Faith connections to their daily lives. The program engages children in an exploration of all four pillars of the Catholic Faith as well as the Bible. The book also contains additional chapters that explore a variety of topics pertinent to the lives of Middle Schoolers. Students participate in both large and small groups. The learning is interactive and engaging.
Grade 9th - Pre Confirmation Our 9th graders use two separate series. The first is a series through Our Sunday Visitor titled "Faith Guidebooks" The series consists of various six chapter books which encourage youth to become Evangelizers. Through actual practice in sharing their Faith with others the students learn to grow in their Faith and how to better communicate their Faith to others. The two books being use this year are titled "The Trinity" and "The Church" The 9th graders will also be studying "Theology of the Body" by Ascension Press. The Theology of the Body curriculum focuses on the teachings of Pope John Paul the second. The program teaches the significance of humanity created male and female in the image and likeness of God. Students in Middle School and High School face many issues such as body image, techno socializing, dating, emotional issues, weekend culture and of course sex and love. These issues can be very difficult and intimidating for parents and schools to address. Ascension Press has developed this great curriculum which respects the role of parents as the primary eduactor. The program also recognizes the varied level of maturity among students. Boys and girls are taught thus curriculum in separate groups.
10th Grade/ Confirmation Our Confirmation Program has one goal which is to create Proactive Catholics. Through small group discussion our hope is to help the students realize that God has a plan for them. We encourage the students to look beyond the materialistic things that consume their lives and take time out to have a conscious awareness of Gods presence in their lives. We want them to have a good understanding of the problems the Church faces and to have good intentions to help repair the Church through their continued involvement as young adults. We intend to confirm students who want to be Catholic and are willing to take ownership of their Faith. We use an actual Confirmation program titled "Chosen Your Journey to Confirmation" Chosen is a catechetical journey for teenage Confirmation students. The program provides intellectual and spiritual catechesis which is vital to Sacrament preparation. The goal is to bring about personal encounters with Christ. We are creating disciples. Confirmation students will also participate in a Confirmation Retreat. The Retreat is an overnight event and is scheduled in April at Holy Hill Retreat Center . Confirmation students are also required to complete 25 service hours prior to the start of Confirmation classes. See the Community Service tab for specifics. Our program is considered a beginning not a graduation.